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KAYAKOMAT Växjö Öjabybadet


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Kayak rental at KAYAKOMAT Växjö Öjaby beach

Rent a kayak and experience Helgasjön in a whole new way with KAYAKOMAT Växjö Öjaby beach! Kayaking with friends and family is a peaceful and fun experience that suits both beginners and experienced paddlers. With our unmanned concept, you can rent a kayak when it suits you and explore Växjö from the water. Helgasjön is one of Sweden's most scenic lakes, surrounded by beautiful nature and a number of interesting places to visit. With a kayak from KAYAKOMAT, you can easily paddle along the shoreline and experience all of this up close. Our kayaks are easy to paddle and safe to use, making it easy for you to enjoy everything Helgasjön has to offer. At Kayakomat Växjö Öjaby beach, we have everything you need for a successful kayaking trip. We have comfortable kayaks and all the equipment you need, as well as tips on the best kayaking tours in the area. Below are some of our favorites.

Local tips for kayaking in Växjö:

  • Paddle around Öjaby - a shorter tour that takes you around Öjaby and past Kronoberg Castle. Stop at one of the many beach spots to enjoy a picnic and the beautiful scenery or take a swim in the crystal clear water.
  • Stop at Ryttmästarsgården's café & restaurant for a much-needed break and enjoy their good selection of food and drink.
  • Around Helgasjön - a longer tour around the entire Helgasjön where you can visit Evedal and take a break at Evedalsbadet, which is one of the finest beaches in Växjö, where you also can swim and enjoy a delicious meal at Evedalsvärdshus.
  • Fishing and swimming tour - if you are interested in fishing, paddle to one of the secluded bays along the lake and try your luck. When you get tired of fishing, you can take a swim in the crystal clear water or just enjoy the sun at one of the many beach spots.
  • Are you in the mood for a truly unique paddling experience in Småland? Then a multi-day tour along Värendsleden and Helge å is a perfect adventure for you! Start your journey at Kayakomat Växjö Öjaby beach and paddle along Helge å, which offers a spectacular nature experience and challenging water currents for the more adventurous paddlers.

Good to know at Öjaby beach:

  • Benches, a kiosk and public toilets can be found on site
  • Please be considerate of the bathers
  • Please note that it is not permitted to land on the islands in the lake, as some islands are privately owned and others are protected nature reserves

Sinan Zahroon

Tele: 0760544717


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Adresse KAYAKOMAT: Öjabyvägen 40B, Växjö, 35250

Wie funktioniert der KAYAKOMAT?

Für deine ultimative Bequemlichkeit und Freiheit bieten wir im ganzen Land 24/7 Self Service Mietstationen an. Buche, entsperre und paddle jederzeit!


Online buchen Wähle eine unserer Optionen:

Solokajak, Tandemkajak oder Stand-Up-Paddling (SUP). Die Vermietung beginnt ab mindestens 2 Stunden und erstreckt sich über mehrere Tage für längere Abenteuer. Du erhältst eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen.



Am Tag deiner Buchung erhältst du einen Code per E-Mail und SMS. Am KAYAKOMAT angekommen, kannst du deine Ausrüstung entsperren. In den Booten findest du alles, was du brauchst: Schwimmweste, Paddel und weitere Accessoires. Wenn es das erste Mal für dich auf dem Wasser ist, vergewissere dich, unsere Sicherheitstipps gründlich durchzulesen.



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KAYAKOMAT ist weltweit führend in Self Service Mietstationen für Kajaks und SUP-Boards.

Schau, wie es funktioniert! Der KAYAKOMAT nutzt die modernste Smart-Lock Technologie, um dir ein reibungsloses Vermietungserlebnis zu bieten, selbst an abgelegenen Orten. Du hast die Wahl, ob du im Voraus buchst oder dich spontan vor Ort entscheidest – deine Ausrüstung kannst du jederzeit am Tag freischalten.

A KAYAKOMAT automatic kayak rental station on a beach. A KAYAKOMAT operator shows a group of families how to put their kayaks into the water.


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