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KAYAKOMAT Varberg Viskan


Buche online und hab die Freiheit, zu paddeln, wo und wann immer du willst.

Kayak and SUP rental at KAYAKOMAT Viskan

Rent kayaks in Viskan north of Varberg located just before Viskan flows into Klosterfjorden. Enjoy 2 hours or a full day of paddling on wonderful Viskan. Kayaking is a fun activity to do together with friends and family. For beginners, it is easy to try kayaking and Viskan is almost always calm and at the same time easy to stay close to the beach. Paddlers with more experience can paddle out into the sea and paddle to Kärradal or Varberg if you paddle south or north to Bua fishing village or maybe all the way up to Vendelsö. If it is windy on the sea, it is almost always calm to paddle in Viskan. Kayaking is an excellent alternative to experiencing Viskan by bike or as a break on a hike. Renting a kayak from KAYAKOMAT is smooth and flexible thanks to the fact that you book and unlock completely digitally, at any time! Experience Varberg from a new perspective when it suits you!

Tips for your paddling from Viskan:

  • Feel free to paddle upstream of Viskan, which is quite easy in the summer when the current is slow, and turn around when you feel it is time.
  • Paddling out into Klosterfjorden is a bit advanced as you need to paddle through a small lock and get out of the kayaks to press some buttons. We recommend paddling from Getterön 3rd bay or Stråvalla Strand if you want to paddle in the sea.
  • A great opportunity is to paddle downstream from Kullagården in Veddige down to Kayakomaten in Viskan, but then you need to transport the kayaks yourself up to Kullagården. This distance takes approx. 2.5 hours to paddle with 2 small easy rapids on the way. An absolutely wonderful stretch to paddle.

Practical information at KAYAKOMAT Viskan

  • This Kayakomat is located at the gravel parking lot between the bridges over Viskan.
  • This Kayakomat has 4 single kayaks and 2 double kayaks for rent.
  • It is only 20 meters to the water so it is very easy to start paddling but we recommend comfortable shoes when you get out of the kayaks afterwards because it is a muddy bottom. A tip is that one of you paddles in and then helps the others to pull up the kayaks a bit before you get out.
  • It is very easy to get to Kayakomat at Viskan even without a car. You can take the bus to Åskloster (21 minutes) from Varbergs Station. Then you have a short walk north to Viskan. Feel free to choose the walking and cycling path from Åskloster so you avoid the cars as the road is narrow and quite busy.

Are you a group that wants to kayak or SUP?

Kayaking or SUP is a fun activity to do together, whether you are organizing an event for colleagues, family or other groups and occasions. It is easy to make a booking online, but do not hesitate to contact us by email and phone. We are happy to help you!


Frank Hallberg

Tele: 070 1808070


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Adresse KAYAKOMAT: Backa 1, Åskloster, 432 65

Wie funktioniert der KAYAKOMAT?

Für deine ultimative Bequemlichkeit und Freiheit bieten wir im ganzen Land 24/7 Self Service Mietstationen an. Buche, entsperre und paddle jederzeit!


Online buchen Wähle eine unserer Optionen:

Solokajak, Tandemkajak oder Stand-Up-Paddling (SUP). Die Vermietung beginnt ab mindestens 2 Stunden und erstreckt sich über mehrere Tage für längere Abenteuer. Du erhältst eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail mit weiteren Anweisungen.



Am Tag deiner Buchung erhältst du einen Code per E-Mail und SMS. Am KAYAKOMAT angekommen, kannst du deine Ausrüstung entsperren. In den Booten findest du alles, was du brauchst: Schwimmweste, Paddel und weitere Accessoires. Wenn es das erste Mal für dich auf dem Wasser ist, vergewissere dich, unsere Sicherheitstipps gründlich durchzulesen.



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KAYAKOMAT ist weltweit führend in Self Service Mietstationen für Kajaks und SUP-Boards.

Schau, wie es funktioniert! Der KAYAKOMAT nutzt die modernste Smart-Lock Technologie, um dir ein reibungsloses Vermietungserlebnis zu bieten, selbst an abgelegenen Orten. Du hast die Wahl, ob du im Voraus buchst oder dich spontan vor Ort entscheidest – deine Ausrüstung kannst du jederzeit am Tag freischalten.



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